
My Country, My Pride

"India: Our Pride, Our Passion, Our Home!"

India is a land of diverse landscapes, rich history, and vibrant cultures. In an effort to comprehend and communicate the essence of India, the young learners of Grade Nursery celebrated the Independence Day Week named 'My Country, My Pride' from August 7 to August 11, 2023. The introduction of the national symbols of India as a reflection of identity and pride marked the start of this celebration. Little Dipsites were dressed as national leaders to demonstrate their admiration for their nation and were exposed to inspiring stories of freedom fighters. They also engaged in a salad-making activity that featured the country's tri-colors. The festivities were marked by enthusiastic displays of tricolor outfits and the hoisting of the national flag. This remarkable occasion not only paid homage to India's remarkable history and heritage but also instilled a profound sense of pride and unity among the young learners.