
Shri Paryavaran Utsav Organized By The Shriram Millennium School, Noida

Success is all about persistence and doing the right thing for the long term. Bruce Rauner

Our Students have aced it at the Shri Paryavaran Utsav 2024…

kudos to Amritansh Sati (Class X), Navishtha Priya and Ishaan Garg (Class XI) and Gauravit Pathak (Class XII) for winning the 1st Position in ECOREVAMP: Transforming Schools for Tomorrow.

Congratulations to Zaina Karim (Class VI) and Jigyasa Choudhary (Class VII) for winning the 2nd Position in Green Gastronomy.

Well done Divit Singh (Class VIII) and Kushaan Mehra (Class IX) for grabbing the 2nd Position in EARTHFLICKS- Lights, Cameras, Activism.

Many congratulations to all the winners!